But this whole conversation starts off with horror movies. And Spinal Tap. And how Jackie started writing songs. She was in her teens and her dad knew some people in some venues who would let a teenage Jackie play her own music. She was always drawn to belters but hearing jazz greats like Etta James, Sarah Vaughan, & Ella Fitzgerald really changed her approach.
The band was poised to record a new album this summer when they were asked to join Pat Benetar on tour. So they made the obvious choice to put the album on hold and explore some new markets opening for a legend. And their live show is amazing! They’ve written a song for the Pittsburgh Pirates that was picked up by ESPN, they’ve played with a symphony orchestra, and are on a steady upward trajectory. Check out their music wherever you check out your music. See them on tour this summer with Pat Benetar. Follow them @TheVindys on social media. Check out their YouTube channel for great unreleased stuff. Check us out @PerformanceAnx on social media. Our merch is available at performanceanx.threadless.com. Keep us up with coffee money at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Now brace yourself for the amazing Jackie Popovec of The Vindys on Performance Anxiety; part of the Pantheon Podcast Network.