In this most recent expansion of the Roenn cinematic universe, our protagonist is visited by a member of the Shinigami realm who offers him endless riches... for the small price of becoming a libertarian. But when his strength as a debater is put to the test, will he be able to overcome the Seder himself?
Thank you to Sam for being a good sport, and thank you to Matt for being in on the joke and putting me through:) Please subscribe to @TheMajorityReport, they are absolutely killing it.
Please consider supporting me on Patreon, I would love to make this my full-time job:
0:00 Introduction/Shinigami Dave Rubin
3:25 The Call (SKIP TO THIS if you just want to see me talk to Sam)
12:10 The Outro
#aivoice #ai #politicalsatire #politics #comedy #liberal #leftist #samseder #daverubin #deathnote #anime #leftisbest #shinigami