'After the Highborne's departure, the remaining night elves deliberately withdrew from the rest of the world. A veil of mist descended upon their entire continent, shrouding its presence from passing sailors.The knowledge of Kalimdor survived in some old human legends, but without details about its history or whereabouts, merely that the land was broken and set beneath the waves during the Sundering of the World.The quel'dorei, however, knew the truth, as some night elves such as Emmarel Shadewarden visited them in the following millennia. This led to a group of high elves leaving Quel'Thalas and traveling to Winterspring in order to obtain the [Crystal of Zin-Malor] one hundred of years before the events of World of Warcraft.' - wowpedia
'Kalimdor has a huge variety of both animal and plant life. Within this continent, you will find almost every land type; from the ice cold plains of Winterspring in the north, to the hot desert of Tanaris in the south. The mystical woods of Ashenvale, the dry, rocky Thousand Needles, the tropical, lush jungle of Feralas — this continent has it all. To the north the landscape is primarily coated in thick alpine woodland, typical in areas such as Ashenvale. Central Kalimdor, home to the horde, is far more rugged and barren, save for the safety of Mulgore. In the south, desert areas dominate the terrain; however, nestled between these bleak landscapes are realms of beauty and wonder such as the thriving tropical regions of Feralas and Un'Goro Crater' - wowpedia
0:00:00 Uldum
0:01:20 Silithus
0:02:50 Feralas
0:05:00 Southern Barrens
0:07:15 Northern Barrens
0:09:00 Ashenvale
0:10:45 Felwood
0:13:35 Winterspring
0:13:55 Moonglade
#worldofwarcraft #music #ambience #asmr #ambient #relaxing #relax #nature #therapy #sound #videogames #calm #study #waterfall #wallpaper #Kalimdor #originalmusic #4k #ultragraphics #4k
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