Australia’s borders might look straight and clean on the map, but the truth is far more surprising! Discover how a border meant to follow the 129° longitude line for Western Australia actually veers west by 120 meters—and that’s not all. When drawing another border at 141°, a staggering 3.6 kilometers westward deviation emerged. New South Wales even agreed to shift its border to the correct spot, but Victoria held its ground, keeping the disputed land. Join us as we unravel these cartographic mishaps that turned “straight” borders into bizarre shapes!
All this borders in the map of Australia looks straight and clean, but they are actually not.
You see, this line for example, is actually heading west for around 120 meters. Back when the borders where drawn,
the aim was to draw the border of Western Australia on the 129 degrees longitude line. They got to work and started drawing from both ends
hopping that they'll meet in the middle, but they didn't, to fix this, they decided to draw this orizontal line connecting the borders.
An even bigger deviation was introduced for this border here, where instead of drawing it on the 141 degrees longitude line, it was drawn
3.6 kilometers west. New South Wales agreed on moving it's border to the correct location, but Victoria didn't, and decided to keep the claimed land.
So what was intended to be a straight border, it is actually a very weird shaped one.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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