🧙‍♀️Piazza Navona at Epifania🧙Rome’s Unforgettable Epiphany Celebration (6th of January every year)

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Epifania (Epiphany) in Piazza Navona is one of Rome's most enchanting celebrations, held every year on January 6th. This ancient festivity commemorates the arrival of the Three Kings (i Re Magi) to see the newborn Baby Jesus, a tradition rooted in the Christian faith. But in Rome, Piazza Navona transforms into a magical wonderland, with vibrant markets (mercatini), artisanal crafts, and delicious sweets like struffoli and torroni filling the air. Visitors from all over the world come to witness the beautiful Befana procession, where a witch-like figure, the Befana, brings gifts to children, creating a whimsical atmosphere unlike any other holiday in Italy.

In Piazza Navona, the traditional Christmas market turns into a lively Epifania fair, with performers, street vendors, and families enjoying the festive spirit. The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) and the stunning Baroque architecture of the square provide the perfect backdrop for this holiday extravaganza. Visitors can enjoy puppeteers, clowns, and local artists showcasing their crafts, all while indulging in Italian specialties like cotechino (sausage) and panettone.

But the true highlight is the Befana. Unlike Santa Claus, this old woman, often depicted as riding a broom, brings presents to children on the night of Epiphany, adding a unique touch to the celebrations. It's a day when the old and new blend together, making Piazza Navona the heart of the Epifania celebration in Rome.

Whether you're exploring the artistic beauty of the square or savoring the delightful food and sweets, Epifania in Piazza Navona is an experience filled with Italian warmth and holiday charm.

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  🧙‍♀️Piazza Navona at Epifania🧙Rome’s Unforgettable Epiphany Celebration (6th of January every year) - RusLar.Me