Shout your lungs out and sing along mother#%$§"$!
0:00 Death /Pull The Plug
0:16 Iron Maiden / The Number Of The Beast
0:27 Megadeth / Symphony Of Destruction
0:43 Pantera / Walk
1:09 Morbid Angel / Chappel Of Ghouls
1:34 Metallica / Enter Sandman
1:55 Slipknot / Duality
2:12 Sepultura / Arise
2:30 Children Of Bodom / In Your Face
2:50 Ozzy Ozbourne / Shot In The Dark
3:08 Judas Priest / Painkiller
3:27 Lamb Of God / Redneck
3:41 Celtic Frost / Circle Of The Tyrants
4:04 Manowar / Warriors Of The World
4:25 Slayer / War Ensemble