In this video we'll have a look on The Great Wall. It is not The Great Wall of China, but The Great Green Wall Of Africa. This megaproject is a wall of trees meant to stop the expansion south of the Sahara desert which is threatening to cover the entire Sahel region and parts of the Central Africa.
Although it is only 18% completed, this wall already regained some land from the Sahara Desert, but its future is in danger as the necesary funding for it is extremely hard to find.
But we'll talk more about this in the video, so make sure you don't miss it.
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Hope you'll enjoy the video!
The Great Wall of China is not the only Great Wall on earth. 8500 kilometers away there is the Great Green Wall of Africa. You see, the biggest desert in the world, The Sahara desert, was constantly expanding south growing with around 10% in the last 100 years covering most part of the Sahel region. The fear is that if nothing is done, the desert will completely cover the Sahel region and will further expand into the sudanian savana and central Africa.
Back in 2007, the African Union decided to put an end to desert expansion and adopted the project for building a wall of trees across the entire southern edge of the Sahara Desert. The wall will stretch all the way from Senegal in the West all the way to Djibouti in the East. When finished, the wall will be around 7800 kilometers long which is about the same distance from London to Beijing.
Although started 16 years ago, only 18% of the wall was completed, representing 18 million hectares of restored land which is a little more than the land of Austria and Hungary combined.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Music Info: Detective - AShamaluevMusic.
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