When Taylor joined Confidence Through Dance, she struggled with feeling confident dancing in front of others because of lack of dance skills such as rhythm, coordination and ability to put the movements together while freestyling. In a short amount of time she went from no dance skills to dancing comfortably at social events. In this interview, she shares her club dancing story.
Taylor didn’t know how to dance in social settings, how to dance at a club mainly because she wasn’t sure how to dance on beat, and what movements to do to look confident dancing. She tried learning on her own on YouTube but she found that without any feedback or guidance she’s unable to make progress and see results.
Taylor joined Confidence Through Dance - my program where I transform clients from not enjoying themselves when dancing in front of others to being confident, skilled social dancers. After only a few lessons inside the program, she started to feel like she knows what she’s doing on the dance floor and started to look forward to going out.
ConfidenceThrough Dance Clients Results:
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Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@igetdance
45min free online training: How To Buid Confidence For Dancing In Social Settings
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