This is the latest single from Xenosis. A new full length is currently being worked upon which will come out via Transcending Obscurity.
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NEW BAND SIGNING: Progressive death metal band Xenosis from the US
I've had this band on my radar since their last full length and it's great that we're finally working together. I enjoy their style of progressive death metal with fleshed out riffing and a delectable flair for experimentation. They are currently writing material for their new full length which promises to be their best one yet and will come out via the label some time next year. For now, they have released a brand new single which can be heard now.
For fans of - Martyr, Death, Cynic, Atheist, Blotted Science, Obscura, Cerebrum
Band's statement - "Xenosis is a band that combines different influences from across a wide spectrum of genres. Since the band's inception, we've aimed to make music that subverts expectations and consistently changes while still falling under the umbrella of “progressive/tech death.” With the release of our new single and recording now in the works, we'd like to thank Transcending Obscurity for adding us to their impressive roster. We look forward to our future releases with them and starting a new chapter for the band."
Sal Bova - Vocals
Keith Benway - Guitar
Kenny Bullard - Guitar
Travers Kenney - Bass
Gary Marotta - Drums
Single artwork by Sal Bova