Python - Complete Python Guide [10 HOURS]

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Bogdan Stashchuk
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Contents of the video:

00:00:00 Introduction to the Complete Python Guide.mp4
00:05:58 Where to Write and Run Python Code.mp4
00:11:09 Practice - Installing Python.mp4
00:13:51 Practice - Using the Python Interactive Interpreter.mp4
00:16:55 Installing PyCharm.mp4
00:22:18 Getting Familiar with the PyCharm Interface.mp4
00:30:05 Key Concept in Python.mp4
00:33:00 Main Data Types in Python.mp4
00:37:49 Practice - Working with Main Data Types.mp4
00:45:03 Built-in Functions.mp4
00:56:09 Practice - Defining and Using Functions.mp4
01:08:17 Practice - Using the Return Statement in Functions.mp4
01:18:04 Practice - Exploring Built-in Functions.mp4
01:23:55 Practice - Using the built-in dir() Function.mp4
01:32:01 Practice - Gathering User Input with the built-in input() Function.mp4
01:40:21 Code Indentations.mp4
01:43:52 Practice - Working with Indentations.mp4
01:50:18 Following PEP 8 Guidelines.mp4
01:56:07 Enabling Auto-Formatting in PyCharm.mp4
02:01:25 Comments.mp4
02:04:14 Practice - Adding Comments to Your Code.mp4
02:08:08 Understanding Expressions.mp4
02:11:30 Understanding Statements.mp4
02:14:59 Practice - Using Expressions.mp4
02:21:04 Practice - Using Statements.mp4
02:23:56 Variables.mp4
02:35:44 Practice - Defining and Using Variables.mp4
02:41:04 Understanding Dynamic Typing.mp4
02:47:18 Types and Data Structures Overview.mp4
02:52:06 Variables and Objects.mp4
02:58:24 Practice - Using the built-in id() Function.mp4
03:03:00 Practice - Exploring Core Data Classes (str, int, bool, list, dict).mp4
03:08:25 Practice - Using the built-in isinstance() Function.mp4
03:12:02 Strings.mp4
03:20:38 Practice - String Manipulation.mp4
03:31:09 Practice - String Methods.mp4
03:44:07 String Concatenation.mp4
03:47:47 Practice - Concatenating Strings using the + Operator.mp4
03:52:33 Practice - Using f-strings for String Formatting.mp4
03:55:33 Practice - Alternative String Formatting Methods.mp4
04:00:12 Integers.mp4
04:04:59 Practice - Integers Manipulation.mp4
04:12:30 Float Numbers.mp4
04:17:43 Practice - Floating-Point Numbers Manipulation.mp4
04:21:33 Working with Complex Numbers.mp4
04:23:15 Boolean Values.mp4
04:28:07 Practice - Working with Boolean Values.mp4
04:37:36 Type Conversion.mp4
04:49:12 Magic Methods.mp4
04:51:39 Practice - Utilizing Magic Attributes and Methods.mp4
05:00:46 Lists.mp4
05:11:12 List Methods.mp4
05:21:33 Practice - Working with Lists.mp4
05:32:54 Copying Lists.mp4
05:39:13 Practice - Copying Lists.mp4
05:44:23 TASK - Working with Lists.mp4
05:45:51 Dictionaries.mp4
05:55:28 Practice - Manipulating Dictionaries.mp4
06:02:27 Practice - Dictionary Methods.mp4
06:07:52 Other Operations with Dictionaries.mp4
06:17:58 Practice - Using the get() Method for Dictionaries.mp4
06:20:30 Practice - Converting Other Types to a Dictionary.mp4
06:23:32 TASK - Working with Dictionaries.mp4
06:24:51 Tuples.mp4
06:39:20 Practice - Tuples Manipulation.mp4
06:49:31 Sets.mp4
06:58:12 Practice - Working with Sets.mp4
07:06:48 Understanding Set Theory.mp4
07:11:33 Set Methods.mp4
07:20:30 Practice - Usage of the Set Methods.mp4
07:33:03 Practice - Calculating Symmetric Difference of Sets.mp4
07:36:56 TASK - Working with Sets.mp4
07:38:05 Ranges.mp4
07:44:15 Practice - Range Manipulation.mp4
07:48:50 Practice - Range Methods and Attributes.mp4
07:55:41 Built-in Functions for Sequences.mp4
07:58:14 Built-in zip() Function.mp4
08:01:56 Practice - Working with zip Objects.mp4
08:10:20 Practice - Converting a zip Object to a Dictionary.mp4
08:13:52 Comparison of Different Sequences.mp4
08:21:56 Understanding Immutable Objects in Python.mp4
08:28:27 Understanding Mutable Objects in Python.mp4
08:37:27 Strategies to Prevent Object Mutation.mp4
08:44:43 Practice - Creating Deep Copies of Objects.mp4
08:53:11 Functions.mp4
09:00:28 Calling Functions: Arguments vs Parameters.mp4
09:04:28 Shortest Function in Python.mp4
09:07:45 Mutable and Immutable Arguments in Function Calls.mp4
09:16:13 Practice - Using Mutable and Immutable Objects as Function Arguments.mp4
09:29:46 Practice - Mandatory and Optional Positional Arguments.mp4
09:33:41 TASK - Functions Manipulation.mp4
09:34:57 Function Arguments.mp4
09:43:00 Practice - Using *args to Gather Positional Arguments into a Tuple.mp4
09:51:33 Keyword Arguments.mp4
09:58:25 Practice - Working with Keyword Arguments.mp4
10:06:57 Practice - Using **kwargs to Merge Keyword Arguments in a Dictionary.mp4

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  Python - Complete Python Guide [10 HOURS] - RusLar.Me