'During the Third War, Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron arrived with his soldiers to destroy the dreadlord Mal'Ganis and punish him for the plague of undeath unleashed in his homeland. Arthas and the dwarven explorer Muradin Bronzebeard joined forces against Mal'Ganis, who they thought to be the Lich King's lackey. When Arthas's father summoned him home again, the prince responded by hiring mercenaries to burn his own ships, and blaming only them for the act of treachery, thus forcing his men to stay and fight. He searched for and obtained the cursed blade Frostmourne in the nearby region of Dragonblight, mortally wounded Muradin in the process. He used Frostmourne to defeat Mal'Ganis but lost his soul to the Lich King as a result. Arthas then wandered for a time, losing his mind. When he returned to his camp, he slaughtered his followers and raised them as mindless Scourge and some as death knights.The nerubians also maintained a number of isolated outposts around Daggercap Bay by the time of Arthas's expedition to Northrend, and the ice trolls also had small settlements here.' - Wowpedia
'For the Alliance, there is a boat port connecting the town of Valgarde with Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands. For the Horde, a zeppelin connects the town of Vengeance Landing with the Undercity in Tirisfal Glades.' - wowwiki
0:00:00 Winter's Breath Lake
0:26:32 Caldemere Lake
0:44:05 Scalowag Point
1:04:45 Kamagua
1:20:56 Utgarde Keep
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