Fun Facts:
*the opening song “We’re SO Ska” later became “Don’t Stop Skankin” (TWENTY years later in fact!)
*For some reason we thought it was a good idea for some of our friends to dress in crazy outfits and dance on stage. Gotta have a wild and wacky stage show if you’re a ska band!?
* During the bonus footage at the end of this vid, see if you can spot Monique Powel in line for the show! We had not yet met her or become friends.
* Most of these songs were on a self titled demo, for some reason re-named by the internet “Return of the Mullet” We didn’t call it that.
* Within a few months after this show we wrote “Beer” “Join the Club” “I’ll Never Be” “Fuck Yourself” and other favorites from the “Everything Sucks” album which kicked most of these songs we performed at the first couple of shows as a ska band off the setlist and into obscurity.
*This show was filmed by Aaron’s sister with one of those gigantic 80s video cameras. She had never used one before.
*Yes that is Wee Man floating on top of the crowd at 8:06
* The original lead singer, Ben Guzman was still our good friend and was at the show, along with our former guitarist Lisa Smith. We dedicated “Super Hero #5” to them and you can hear him yelling and kind of see him dancing in the crowd during the song that he wrote.
The Set List:
00:00 The Young and the Restless (Soap opera Theme Song)
1:12 We’re SO Ska
2:30 Make it Big
5:20 Jig
7:40 I’m Her Man
12:05 Superhero #5
15:56 Trendy
19:16 Go Away
21:03 Bonus Footage
The Players:
Aaron Barrett - Guitar/Vocals
Matt Wong - Bass
Andrew Gonzales - Drums
Eric Vismantas - Trumpet
Steve Reed - Sax