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Band video shooting by Waldgeflüster.
Footage from Pexels.
Video edited by David Muñoz Pérez:
1st single taken from the upcoming album "Dahoam" to be released on 29th of October 2021
Lyrics (english translation below)
Då steigt wås um im Woid
d‘Schatten raunan, d’Bladl singan
gspiasd wia dei Herz erkoit‘
wia’d Angst di ergreift mit knoch'ge Fingern
D‘Sonn bricht wieder durch de Tannen
An Uhu heasd im Dickicht schrein
im Unterhoiz ziagt wås von dannen
kannt a Viech oder a was Anders'd sein
Im Woid g’spiast no die oide Wäid
då flüsterts und ziagts in de Augenwinkln
Und wann‘d wieda wås in da Fernen bäid
kånns‘t nur hoffn dass’d Perchtn di ned findn
Im Ebersberger Forst, wo’s knarrazt und bricht
Wos’d Perchten schleicha sigst zwischn am Geast
wo da weiße Eber di jågt durchs Dickicht
Wo de oide Wäid no treibt zua wuidn Hatz
Wia a Håbagoaß bin i zrissen
wann i an des Oide denk
Woid d‘Sagen und Mythen ned missen
sig aber a des Neie ois Gschenk
Zua Heimat g’hern die Gschichten
vom Deife und vo de Dämonen
von gloane Heldn die mit Glockn fichten
a bissal Brauchtum und Traditionen
Aber’d Heimat liegt a in meine Hend
Sie derf wachsen und gedeihn
muass ausbrecha aus dene Wend
Mia soitn’s mit neichen Gschichten b’freien
Im Woid g’spiast no die oide Wäid
då flüsterts und ziagts in de Augenwinkln
Und wann‘d wieda wås in da Fernen bäid
kånns‘t nur hoffn dass’d Perchtn di ned findn
Im Ebersberger Forst, wo’s knarrazt und bricht
Wos’d Perchten schleicha sigst zwischn am Geast
wo da weiße Eber di jågt durchs Dickicht
Wo de oide Wäid no treibt zua wuidn Hatz
Denn a zua engs Korsett håd no neamands g’standen
‘s ligt an uns ned zum vagessen und doch was Neichs zum schaffa
Wer nua im Oidn lebt, dem geht as Moing abhanden
Und ewiger Stillstand ko die stärkste Heimat dahi raffa
English translation:
Something's lurking in the woods
shadows whisper, leaves sing
do you feel how your heart coldens
how fear seizes you with bony fingers
The sun refracts through the fir trees
you hear an eagle owl scream in the thicket
in the undergrowth something steals away
could be a creature or something else
In the woods you still feel the old world
it whispers and pulls at the corners of the eye
And if something is barking in the distance
your only hope is that the Perchten do not find you
In the Ebersberger Forest, where it creaks and breaks
Where you can see Perchten lurking through the branches
Where the white boar hunts you through the thicket
Where the old world still chases on the wild hunt
Like a Hobagoaß I am torn
when I think of the old
Wouldn't want to miss the legends and myths
but I also see the new as a gift
To home the stories belong
of the devil and the demons
of little heroes that fight with bells
a bit of customs and traditions
But home is also in my own hand
it may grow and thrive
needs to break though these walls
we should free it with new stories
In the woods you still feel the old world
it whispers and pulls at the corners of the eye
And if something is barking in the distance
your only hope is that the Perchten do not find you
In the Ebersberger Forest, where it creaks and breaks
Where you can see Perchten lurking through the branches
Where the white boar hunts you through the thicket
Where the old world still chases on the wild hunt
Because a corset too tight never suited anyone
it's up to us not to forget but to also build something new
Who only lives within the past loses tomorrow
and eternal standstill can rip off the strongest home
All Rights Reserved To Waldgeflüster & AOP Records © 2021