This is one of my favorite 12's of all time. All three tracks here are magnificent, however it's "Spirit Of Love" that has always done it for me that much more - it's imo both a banger and an auditory "dream-state" simultaneously. What's devilishly clever about this gem is the way Ray Love loops/samples the first 8 bars from Beethoven's 9th Symphony (the Molto Vivace second movement, which is a scherzo) which makes its introduction just shy of the 2 minute mark. Then, just prior to the 3 minute mark, the 8 bars looping like a whirling dervish spins "into control" flowing directly into the rest of the main thematic material (the scherzo-trio-scherzo which we hear in full once - it halts suddenly and seemingly evaporates) Then the track resumes in a gauzy way that gives me chills every time :)
"Symphony of Love" is the alias of Ray Love, who released a few records on the great EXperimental label. This was the first, from 1993.