What a beautiful moment we shared with our community in Tulum this past month ❤ We are grateful to be apart of this experience with like-minded individuals who take initiatives daily to better our planet for future generations. In the world of destructive change, a communal effort is needed more than ever. If not now when? If not us who? This is our planet. Our home. The vessel that holds everyone that you love and all that has been. Please help us in the continued effort to make this planet plastic-free. It starts with you ✨ Thank you to our amazing partners at @makersglobal for making this gathering possible. To our friends at @papayaplayaproject and @artwithmetulum for their generous contributions. And to all of those who helped clean the beaches and spread the cause 🌈 @our_habitas @woomoonibiza @storytellerstulum @kaan__tulum @betulumhotel @nomadetulum, Creatoro and bye-bye plastic ✨#stayplasticfree #weareallone #mayanwarrior
Footage by @christianmorenomccarthy
Drone by @afreelancehuman
Editing @afreelancehuman @pablogv
Color grading @pablogv
Music by Jackson (Original Mix) Superpitcher