The song defines the confusion between Love and Lust in the 21st Century.
This song was written to reflect the patriarchal setup of society and what's happening around us. People are afraid of being judged for their love.
This fear then makes everyone question the difference between Love vs. Lust.
People are too afraid of being able to express themselves due to the patriarchal setup. They all use love as a medium to get what they want, tagged as gold diggers in the larger scheme of things. The entire situation is just so much
Love in today’s day is often confused with the feelings of lust.
Lyricist : Rahul Negi, Vanishree Sahu
Song Writer : Rahul Negi, Vanishree Sahu, Nischay Sharma
Prod. by Seven & Seven
Video by - Nishant Dhanotia
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