I hope this video will serve as a helpful resource for anyone looking to learn how FFPS works and a huge thanks to Folmic and others for giving me feedback; I appreciate it a ton ♥
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If you're wondering if the game functioned any differently in older versions, it did! Check out the changelog here:
*Q:* _What's the optimal strategy for the office section?_
*A:* Honestly, I don't know. All I can do is give you my strategy, which definitely isn't the best.
What I do is start with the Motion Detector, place an audio lure at the far middle where the most of them are, and start doing the Advertising tasks. Once I hear any vent noises, I quickly turn on Silent Ventilation, turn to the source of the noise, and turn everything off. I then turn to the opposite vent every 4 seconds until there aren't any noises in a bit.
Once I'm satisfied that there are no animatronics near me, I turn the computer back on and repeat.
Also, honestly, don't be scared of having your temperature go up into the 100 or 110+ range, having the fan on when in danger is really bad (quintuples the chances you'll get caught by an animatronic behind you).
*Q:* _How does the Fruit Punch/Lemonade Clown work?_
*A:* I didn't break down how the minigames work in this video (for obvious reasons), but I can quickly explain this one.
At the start of the game, each child chooses a direction to start moving. That child will continue facing that direction until they get near the edge of the screen, at which point they turn in the opposite direction. Every second, every child chooses one of three speeds to move: stationary, 10 pixels/second, or 20 pixels/second. Once you press the spacebar to surprise the kids, it will count how many kids were touching the range circle, and give you the jackpot if you got all 9.
*Q:* _Is there any cheap way to get El Chip?_
*A:* Unfortunately, no. Your only hope would be getting a good mark-down, though that's just luck. I would recommend doing the first three achievements. They reward a substantial amount of money, far exceeding the cost.
*Q:* _How do you get the Insanity Ending on console/mobile?_
*A:* I can't say I've personally tested these methods, but others have said they work.
On console, you need to:
- turn off the PC
- press the right joystick in and turn computer on
On mobile, you need to:
- turn off the PC
- hold down on the blue bottom left power button
- let go of the power button and very quickly turn the PC on (you might not need to let go)
*Q:* _Is FFPS, FNaF6?_
*A:* Yeah, it sure seems so.
0:00 Intro
0:45 Office Mode
10:10 Salvage
13:50 Simulator Mode
19:12 End of night money/lawsuits
21:31 Endings
23:56 Outro