Title: "Angels and Demons"
Original music: Estas Tonne (guitar, composition, improvisation)
Original intro improvisation: Ali Ghamsari (Iranian Tar)
with Conrado Molina (drums, percussions), Hernan Suarez (calabash)
This improvisation of the "Angels and Demons" was captured during Estas Tonne "Rhythms of Change" Tour in Nieuwe Luxor Theater (Rotterdam, Netherlands) on 15 Oct 2023.
It was the first time all four musicians shared the stage. No prior rehearsals have taken place.
Ali Ghamsari -
Conrado Molina -
Hernan Suarez (Onanya. Music) -
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Filming & Editing: Geri Dagys
Sound Recording: Zsolt Bognár
Sound Editing, Mix & Mastering: Leon Galperin
Produced: ETMusic
All this music is intended for personal experience and sharing!
If you wish to incorporate it for commercial use, please send us an email describing what it is considered for: info@estastonne.com
#estastonne #эстастонне #themarchofangels #angelsanddemons #estas_tonne #rotterdam #live