We begin with a brief history of Thor and how he started playing music and eventually improvisational music. I also get reacquainted with Ev, Paul, and Cinema Cinema. They have just released an album of music that is entirely improvisational and they tell me the whole story behind the session. Yes session. The album, Mjolnir, was recorded in one day in three 30 minute sessions. Thor arrived at BC Studio, arms swinging, with no instruments. No music or lyrics were prepared. And this was the first time Ev and Paul have ever met Thor. So out came Ev’s guitar, Paul’s drums (including a tin whistle he keeps for just such an emergency) and a whole bunch of neglected instruments from the studio’s closets. This was an exercise of being forced to stay in the moment. Nothing was prepared and time was limited. What came out of the sessions was magical. It was so magical that Thor and Cinema Cinema are working on plans to play live together.
Pick up Mjolnir on Cinema Cinema’s Bandcamp page. Follow them @cinemacinemaband on Instagram. Follow Thor @thorharris for more info. Follow us @PerformanceAnx. Buying stuff at performanceanx.threadless.com or sending us coffee money at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety helps us out tremendously. Now throw everything aside and check out the art of improv with Cinema Cinema & Thor Harris on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.