BLAMING THE POOR: Poverty as Punishment | [Radical Responsibility]

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There is heated debate over the cause of poverty: Do economic and social forces make people poor? Or are the poor themselves to blame – due to things like laziness, wasteful spending, and bad decisions?

This video has five parts (keep reading for more detail, or just watch the video!).
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Part 1: Discusses the “culture of poverty” (or the “subculture of poverty” as it was originally called by anthropologist Oscar Lewis), the theory that the poor have various dysfunctional traits which play a significant part in causing intergenerational cycles of poverty. But to what extent is “the culture of poverty” an effect of poverty rather than a cause?

Part 2: Looks at how common (or uncommon) the culture of poverty is among the poor.

Part 3: Tackles the question of whether the non-employed poor are lazy / lacking in work ethic.

Part 4: The media likes to popularize true stories of people who overcome incredible obstacles to escape poverty. But these stories are held up not simply as inspirational examples, but to promote the idea that with enough hard work and determination, anyone can escape poverty, and therefore those who don’t have only themselves to blame. Part 4 challenges this notion.

Part 5: When people make the case for why poor people don’t deserve to be poor, we often focus on trying to show that the poor are every bit as hard working and conventional in their values as the middle class – just as I’ve tried to do in this video. In Part 5, I talk about why this is the wrong focus for the argument.

Leave me a comment telling me your thoughts on this video. Constructive criticism is welcome.

0:00 Intro
1:29 The culture of poverty
6:47 How common is the culture of poverty among the poor?
7:41 Are people on welfare lazy?
10:47 Exceptions are exceptional
12:34 Nobody deserves poverty
14:42 Outro


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Check out my other videos:

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Ben Shapiro | URGENT Message to Leftists


Margaret Thatcher's Interview, Catholic Herald, 1978

Ben Shapiro video


Nicolas Duvoux, The Culture of Poverty Reconsidered

Culture of Poverty

Small, Harding & Lamont: Reconsidering Culture & Poverty

Susan M. Rigdon, The Culture Façade: Art, Science & Politics in the Work of Oscar Lewis, University of Illinois Press, p155

Richard Florida, The Enduring Effect of Neighborhoods

Elliot Liebow, Tally’s Corner, Rowman & Littlefield

Stephen Steinberg, “The Culture of Poverty Reconsidered”, chapter 4 of The Ethnic Myth, Random House Inc.


Quote on page 25: Oscar Lewis, The Culture of Poverty, Scientific American, 1966 (1966).pdf

Elliot Liebow, Tally’s Corner, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.


Sudhir Venkatesh, Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets, Penguin Books;

Sudhir Venkatesh, Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor, Harvard University Press

Photo of guy holding “I need a job” sign is from

Music Credits (most in public domain, those that aren't are fair use)

• Salute to Mexico (United States Marine Band)
• Tipsy (NyannersVA’s cover J-Kw on's original)
• Scratch the Itch (Quincas Moreira)
• TipToes (Myuu)
• Smoove Weekend (TW$)
• Sound Off Alert March (United States Marine Band)
• Hell To Da Naw,Naw,Naw With Da Bicycle (Bishop Bullwinkle)
• Piano Sonata Number 11 in A, 3rd movement (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
• Wu Tang Clan Type beat instrumental (TW$)
• Sunrise Drive (South London HiFi)
• Spanish Winter (The Passion HiFi)
• Symphony Number 5 (Ludwig van Beethoven)
• Connection (Wayne Jones)

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  BLAMING THE POOR: Poverty as Punishment | [Radical Responsibility] - RusLar.Me