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What’s up Stitches!
We've been rolling this one around for a hot minute now. Careful though, this video has a two drink minimum so grab a table and have a few laughs ;) Looks like we're getting the light so we better run. See you next month.
np & eL
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Thank you!
np & eL
#erb #epicrapbattles #EpicRapBattlesOfHistory #georgecarlin #richardpryor #joanrivers #robinwilliams
George Carlin: Nice Peter
Richard Pryor: ZEALE
IG: @zeale
“Juice It Up” Music Video:
Joan Rivers: Jackie Tohn
IG: @jackietohn
Bill Cosby: Gary Anthony Williams
IG: @garyanthonywilliams
Twitter: @garyawilliams
Robin Williams: EpicLLOYD
IG/Twitter: @theepiclloyd
Executive Producers: Peter Shukoff and Lloyd Ahlquist
Producer: Atul Singh
Written by Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, Zach Sherwin and the many dope ass contributors of our Patreon Writers crew.
Beat Produced by Tone Jonez:
and Hollywood Legend Productions:
Music Mixed and Mastered by Nice Peter
Directed by: Nice Peter
Assistant Directed by EpicLLOYD
Director of Photography: Jon Na and Andy Chinn
Gaffer: Andy Chinn and Tyler Andrews
Sound Mixer: Tad Chambers
Department Make Up Head: Ashlyn McIntyre
Make Up and Hair: Brittany White
DIT / Playback: Josh Best
Costume Designer and Property Master: Morgan Christensen
Production Assistants: Chris Miller
Video Editors: Daniel Flesher, Josh Best, Nice Peter
VFX: Javi Sánchez Blanco
Produced by Atul Singh
Shot on the Arri Alexa Mini
KeEp iN TOuch WitH Us OnliNe!