Discover the captivating journey of Eva Scott Fényes, a woman who defied societal expectations and pursued her passion for art. Travel back to the height of Pasadena’s Millionaires Row as we uncover the story of Eva's lavish homes, her artistic pursuits, and her ultimate move to Santa Fe. Join Ken as he explores the stunning Algerian Court and the Fenyes Estate, now the Pasadena Museum of History. Don't miss out on this fascinating tale of art, architecture, and a relentless pursuit of dreams. Subscribe to This House for more historic adventures!
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Location: Pasadena, CA
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Public Domain Photos from: Library of Congress,
CC BY-SA 3.0Photos from: Wikipedia User: Rschen7754, John Phelan
CC BY-SA 4.0 Photos from: Wikipedia User: SchultzM
Assets from: Envato Elements
Music from Epidemic Sound