(Daily updated)
💛 Mental health helplines:
Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad.
This playlist idea suggested by –
no one (Via Patreon)
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song list:
00:00 Øneheart - wasted nights
01:39 .diedlonely, Jay Karin - home
02:49 decade - father
05:20 unnholy - nostalgia '95
07:01 cornwave - your touch
08:53 FutureVille - saudade
10:59 reykkin, Fujiwara - overflow
12:45 killhussein, les - winter drifting
14:23 Antent - first snow
16:26 vowl. - in the end there's nothing
20:09 leadwave - gone is gone
21:59 Antent - the same place
24:20 FutureVille - are you ok?
26:09 analoq. - purplecore
28:20 .diedlonely, Jay Karin - the day when happiness faded away
30:15 insensible, Etsu - everlast
31:56 lonelyfeels - rooftops
33:30 hiraeth - eternity of thoughts
37:18 Haunted Tape, Orchid Mantis - pick up the phone
38:42 blue.mp3 - laleconparticulere
39:44 past notes - remember this?
41:44 Orian bor - Heron flying
45:45 girl 159 - among moonlit shadows
#sadmusic #sadmood #sleepmusic #sleepplaylist #alone