I was "The Bomb Squad" in my mind before there was even a bomb squad. Allow me to
introduce to you my track that I brewed from the elements - I call it " The Three C's, for "Cosmic Chaos Control", and it is it's own entity. It is the track that I created for one of my older but never released joints, "WOW!" Which is an acronym for " Words of War". Making music is how I best reflect and release some of this other worldly feeling that I always seem to harbor and have bottled up inside of me. I'm good at taking various sounds from different sources and creating music 🎶🎵 out of it. It is the true art of noise, as I never have a resting moment from the infinite and eccentric rhythms that riddles my existence with every passing moment of all days.
MultIplE diMENSiONal Re83L XD