While we probably all know the classic Sennheiser MD-421 or 421-II microphones, the new compact version is an interesting alternativ especially for recording drums (as its name implies, it's compact). You can actually mount it directly to toms by using a clamp, and off you go... 3 or more mic stands less to set up!
In this demo, I am using 4 of the litle fellas on Snare and toms, also there is a little side-by-side comparison with the bigger brother MD-421-II on snare drum. Let me know which one you prefer in the comments below!
Agean Cymbals & Sonor drums are available for testing at the Agean Cymbals Germany drum store Mainz. You can also place an order via www.ageancymbals.de
Enjoy the demo & feel free to subscribe to @digitaldrumming for more blazing drum- music- andsound demo video content. Happy drumming & recording to all of you!
#sennheiser #microphones #recordingdrums #sonordrums