You may have heard this one before as my original version was stolen from a studio I was working at in Delhi approximately 5 years ago and no one knew it was my song!! A shady video featuring some "dynamite" chick was shot and put up on the net before I even knew it was leaked! At that time I was pretty hurt that someone could steal my work and shamelessly post it without my permission. But then I let it go because I had made the song for people to enjoy and at that time I didn't have a team that was ballsy enuf to actually release this crazy joint! Now I have the team and I've made up my mind to release all of my work.. Good, bad, ugly, whatever! Be warned that this song has insanely bad language but is hilarious and to be taken in a fun light! Still I'm sure some people will be mad offended.. So sorry in advance, but if you don't like it, here's my ishq, bite it!
The "Dirty ishQ" songs are made just to amuse and remind you that we only live once, so let's do it all.. Still, I suggest that the over sensitive moral police chill and let the rest of us enjoy our freedom to speak about whatever we want to sing about!
Lyrics: Bad Lee Rix
Mix/Mastering: Akshat Gajjar
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