Not to mention that in "Testify" (the song I made originally back in 2014 to technically belittle Rap God, and it does,) I rapped 127 words in 13 secs (that would be 254 words in 26 secs) plus I literally Knocked "Godzilla" out (verbally) at the end of the 3rd verse way before he's even started calling himself that lol. Which means that my speed part in Testify, a 6 year old song is still faster than what he JUST did in "Godzilla".. How is that for irony? ... You do the math on that equation geniuses lol... ... I just love it when there are actually facts to crush what people would like to believe in the fascinatingly wonderful world of opinions.
- _ MultIplE DiMENsIONal REbEL XD _ -
* 👿🤬😤😕🌚♊️🌕😉🙃🙂😃😇 *
... 😇☯️👿 ...
*😁|😡~😡|😁 *
since 1987, born 6/6/1973
#RebelXD #eminem #RebelxdsTestifyBearWitnessToCosmicArts #Godzilla #RapGoD