In the depths of the North Carolina forest, shrouded in darkness and pounded by heavy rain, stands a mysterious facility, its purpose unknown to the outside world. Secluded from civilization, it serves as a clandestine hub for top-secret projects and experiments, veiled in secrecy and cloaked in intrigue. Within its dimly lit corridors, the boundary between reality and the extraordinary blurs, inviting speculation and fear of the unimaginable. 🎧 Enjoy a new BLACK PROJECTS episode and make sure you check out the two different soundtrack parts (track list below).
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🎧 A selection of playlists made for you 🎧
ALONE in an Outpost __
BLACK Projects __
SCP Research __
12 HOUR Ambiences __
© All contents by the AMBIENT OUTPOST and protected by copyright law
I create musical background ambiences to be used as ambient music for sleep, ambient music for reading, ambient music for meditation, ambient music for creative work, ambient music to focus, ambient music for relaxation, ambient music for long coding sessions and ambient music for studying. They are made for my 4k cinematic, atmospheric, post-apocalyptic, space sci-fi and dystopian ambience videos featuring ambient music, ranging from meditative ambient music, cinematic ambient music, cyberpunk ambient music, to dark ambient music, sci-fi ambient music and futuristic ambient music