The upcoming Balearic duo Subnesia, consisting of Anders Ponsaing and Michael Rune, is releasing their first single this year ‘Baila Gitano’. It’s a mesmerizing interpretation of the vibrant flamenco vibe. With this track, Subnesia transports listeners to the heart of Spain, where family and friends gather to experience the magic of traditional Spanish dance.
'Baila Gitano ft. Nordal' →
Baila Gitano’ makes you want to have a boogie alongside the flourishing flamenco guitar along with the hand claps, that’ll definitely set you in a good mood.
As the track unfolds, Subnesia invites you to imagine yourself surrounded by loved ones, standing up, and taking your napkin in hand as you lose yourself in the music. “Vaamooooos!"
Supported by Koda’s Cultural Funds and Musik Forlæggerne.
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