Just arrived. A very vintage Hallicrafters SX-24 Skyrider Defiant. Initial inspection and test. The radio powered up after changing the line cord! The Hallicrafters SX-24 Skyrider Defiant receiver incorporates every advanced feature of the entire Hallicrafters line. Four bands cover the range from .545 to 43.5 MHz, frequency meter tuning on 10, 20, 40 and 80 meter amateur bands, 7 tubes and a CW crystal. Controls include RF gain, selectivity switch, crystal phasing, audio gain, pitch control, main tuning control, bandspread tuning control, automatic noise limiter (A.N.L.) switch, Hi-Lo tone, send/receive switch and BFO switch.
The Hallicrafters SX-24 Skyrider Defiant receiver was manufactured from 1939 to 1943. It sold new for $69.50, and with the PM-23 speaker it sold for $81.50. D-lab will be restoring this fine receiver. More videos will follow. If you have an antique radio in need of repair, contact me: d-labelectronics.com or