What's Under The Ice In Antarctica?
Antarctica is the most mysterious continent that remains largely unexplored by humans. It’s home to unusual wildlife, underground lakes, the Blood waterfalls, and buried cities, all contributing to a host of unsolved myths. The extreme conditions, with temperatures plummeting to -90 degrees Celsius and blizzards reaching speeds of 300 km/h, mean that no humans live there.
However, the distance from one side of Antarctica to the other is comparable to the distance from the Canadian Arctic to Mexico, which makes it the fifth-largest continent. If Antarctica were placed over Europe, it would span from Norway and Finland to Iran and Iraq, reaching past Ireland into the mid-Atlantic. The nearest inhabited location is Ushuaia, Argentina, which is about 1,000
km away. To reach Ushuaia, travelers must cross the dangerous Drake Passage, where waves can go as high as 20 meters during extreme weather.
Still, these tough conditions haven't stopped countries from competing for control of Antarctica for centuries. France claims the southeast corner, Norway the north, and Australia the entire eastern side, while New Zealand claims the south. Meanwhile, Britain, Chile, and Argentina assert their rights over regions in the west.
This territorial competition raises questions about what lies beneath the ice that attracts the attention of the world’s superpowers. Is there a hidden mystery waiting to be discovered?
Let’s find out all these mysteries in this video.
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