Various Artists - Ambient Compilation 2 (FAX +49-69/450464) [chill out/prog-electronic/ambient]

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Zones Quest
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a lavish serving of blip-bloopy ambient goodness, served with a hearty marinade of old-school synthesisers - y'know, the ones where you had to plug this into that into this into that just to elicit a decent sound xD as an extremely impatient person, i unreservedly admire (or perhaps 'worship' is a better descriptor) these pioneers who didn't have the luxury of computers or DAWs in order to produce these majestic sonatas of filters and oscillations.
rest in peace, Pete Namlook - ambient music would not be the same without your prodigious and assiduous work with the genre. thank you, a million times over.
tracks 1, 9 & 11 by Pete Namlook & Hubertus Held
track 2 by Pete Namlook & Uwe Schmidt
track 3 by Pete Namlook & Pascal F.E.O.S.
track 4 by Pete Namlook & Sylvie Marks
track 5 by Pete Namlook & Maik Maurice
tracks 6 & 7 by Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo
tracks 8 & 10 by Pete Namlook & DJ Criss

1. 00:00 Sextant - Drug Oriented
2. 05:03 Subsequence - Healthy & Beautiful
3. 09:49 Hearts of Space - Drawn
4. 13:45 SynSyl - Angel
5. 19:18 4Voice - The Mystery
6. 24:37 Escape - Trip to Mars
7. 30:06 Escape - Trip from Mars
8. 35:31 Sequential - Lost in the Sea
9. 41:38 Sextant - Missing You
10. 48:24 Sequential - Sequenchill
11. 01:01:27 Sextant - Lakeshore Drive

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#koolfang #dreamfish #romanticwarrior #octopus #faxoctopus #secondnature #aerialservicearea #movednamlook #thetomorrowpeople #jetchamber #minimalisticsource #faxolympic #olympic #onvision #adayinthepark #aliencommunity #higherintelligenceagency #faxif #if #intergalacticfederation #milesapart #oversizepussy #gatesol #possiblegardens #drmotte #gabriellemar #billlaswell #anewconsciousness #faxcreate #charlesuzzelledwards #massimovivona #faxgamma #faxgorn #kinetico #yakasuki #xenon #kulprit #lukecage #elevator #edenhouse #spyra #wolframspyra #thomaspheckmann #thomasheckmann #thefiresofork #crismeloche #planetarium #faxplanetarium #2350broadway #kooler #shado #gaudi #namlookgaudi #elektro #faxelektro #robertgorl #supergroup #faxsupergroup #oskarsala #thesunkenroad #passionfax #faxpassion #wanderingsoul #stanleyconaway #synthadelic #hemisphere #faxhemisphere #cymaticscan #adlerenebel #themsseries #wechselspannung #ozoona #solphax #redeye #arizonatracks #timeframeanarchy #nihilist #envoy #musictofilms #electroharmonix #datacide #mastersofpsychedelicambiance #faxsultan #sultan #sultanorhan #sultanosman #moved #houdini #faxhoudini #plusn #faxplusn #fax+n #nplane #faxnplane #spacetimecontinuum #taylordeupree #glitch #glitchinertia #fangerandsiebert #dreamfish #mixmastermorris #amirabadi #raminnaghachian #shadesoforion

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Various Artists - Ambient Compilation 2 (FAX +49-69/450464) [chill out/prog-electronic/ambient] - RusLar.Me