For this video, I prepared a useful list of tools and equipment in French with pictures.
Learning these tools names will help you to improve and increase your vocabulary words in French.
Being able to refer to tools by their correct names in French can be very helpful if you live in France or a French-speaking country.
For example, if you have jobs that need to be done in your home, and you want to buy tools or hire workers, it will be extremely useful to know tools names in French when you need to request a tool for a job.
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agrafeuse électrique - electric stapler
ciseaux - scissors
ciseau à bois, ciseau - chisel
clé Allen - Hex Key, Allen wrench
clé à molette - wrench
clé anglaise - pipe wrench
clé plate - open end wrench
clé Torx - Torx wrench
cutter - box cutter, utility knife
fer à souder - soldering iron
foret - drill bit
grattoir - scraper
hache - axe
hachette - hatchet
lime à métaux - metal file
maillet - mallet
marteau - hammer
marteau-piqueur - jackhammer
mètre, mètre ruban - tape measure
niveau à bulle, niveau - spirit level
perceuse - electric drill
pied de biche - crowbar
pince - pliers
pince coupe-boulon (pince-monseigneur) - bolt cutter
pistolet à clous - nail gun
poinçon - bradawl
ponceuse - sander
rabot - hand plane
râpe - wood file
scie - saw
scie à métaux - hacksaw
scie circulaire - circular saw
scie sauteuse - jigsaw
serre-joint - clamp
tournevis - screwdriver
tournevis cruciforme - Phillips screwdriver
tronçonneuse - chainsaw
truelle - masonry trowel
visseuse électrique - electric screwdriver
boulon - bolt
clou - nail
écrou - nut
rondelle - washer
vis - screw
arrosoir - watering can
bêche - spade
houe - hoe
pioche - pickaxe
pelle - shovel
râteau - rake
sécateur - pruning shears
tondeuse à gazon - lawnmower
truelle - trowel
tuyau d’arrosage - garden hose
bétonnière - concrete mixer
boîte à outils - toolbox
diluant à peinture - paint thinner
enclume - anvil
échelle - ladder
escabeau - stepladder
établi - workbench
étau - vise
gants de protection - safety gloves
lunettes de protection - safety glasses
masque à soudure - welding helmet
papier de verre - sandpaper
pierre à aiguiser - sharpening stone
pistolet à mastic - caulking gun
ressort - spring
seau - bucket