Possessed. Demented Horror Film Music.
Gloves are off, this is probably my darkest and heaviest work to date. Absolutely deranged, screeching and harrowing, it was originally supposed to be a torture chamber-esque ambience, but then somewhere along the way it got a bit too infernal and oppressive. Dancing on the edge of noise, there's a lot of heavy sound design stuff going on. Vocal track with 10x distorted amps stacked on top of one another? Check. Violin ricochets turned into a weird spinning industrial percussion? Check. Synthesized alien bass growls made into playable wet sloppy noise instrument? Check. Broken microtonal overdriven harp? Do you even need to ask?
This was a lot of fun to make, I really enjoy this stuff. If this is interesting to somebody, I can probably make a sound design breakdown video for it, just let me know in the comments somewhere ya.
#horrorfilm #sounddesign #music #horrorgaming #backgroundmusic #gamecomposer #creepy #ghost #possession #ost
Itch profile:
Art by:
Marcel Roux
Johann Heinrich Füssli
As usual, all music, composition, orchestration, arrangement, producing, mixing, mastering and editing done by me.