00:36 Skinwalker
03:19 The Wendigo
07:53 The Chase
09:36 Nu’kthos
All lyrics written by me. Most lyrics are a fictional chaos/constructed language (conlang).
Lyrics for Nu'kthos:
(The same lyrics are also in some parts of the other tracks)
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
T’ah’kali, m’na’hu!
Ahh-haa, seeh'tu!
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
T’ah’kali, m’na’hu!
Hunger of the night
Hunger of the night
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
Awsli ul ima'rye
..This hunger..
..In the dark.
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
Awsli ee'ma zar
Ahh-haa, seeh'tu!
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
T’ah’kali, m’na’hu!
Ice in your bones
Siren in the dark
H’ru’kali, nu’kthos
Awsli ee'ma zar
Ice in your bones
Siren in the dark.
Some mixing and mastering done in Adobe Premier.
Video made with Capcut
All my work typically revolves around fantasy, horror, spirituality, and cinematic songs.
Do not re-use or re-upload my music. All lyrics and mixing are still under my ownership and are protected by copyright.
#fantasy #song #ost #vocaloid #epicmusic #epic #cinematicmusic #music #halloweenmusic #spookymusic #spiritualmusic #magic #fantasymusic #dndmusic #dnd #wendigo #dungeonsanddragons #bossmusic