Hey ! Thanks for watching my video.
Bio : This is a quick video on my ice skating progression over the past year. Iv managed to go from being a noob that could barely skate to a pro/ professional freestyle ice skater. I have put in a lot of hard work and dedication into this sport.
This is just the beginning of many more videos I will be uploading. Tutorials, comedy, skits etc..
If you found my content interesting or helpful I would appreciate if you Like, Comment and Subscribe for more content.
Drop your comments down below. I try my best to respond to all questions or comments. If you are stuck with something in ice skating. Comment down below and maybe I will make a video/ tutorial for you.
Instagram Personal Page : MahaloTheDesigner
TikTok : MahaloTheDeisgner
Twitter : MahaloTheDesigner
Instagram Art Page : MahaloDesignsLLC