2. Magician King
3. Lesser Being
4. Fortune Teller
Recorded 2019 in the USA, Mexico, Italy and France. Released by The Library, Lenoir, North Carolina, USA. Mixed and mastered by Jeff Eacho at EachoSoundLab, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Released September 24, 2019
1. Shaman
(Jon Du Bose) - Bass Guitars, Guitars
(Jeff Eacho) - Flute, Violin, Various Instruments
(Magnvs Mendez) - Drums
(Lobsang Kedrub) - Percussion, Various Instruments
2. Magician King
(Jon Du Bose) - Bass Guitars, Guitars
(Jeff Eacho) - Flute, Violin, Mellotron, Various Instruments
(Lobsang Kedrub) - Percussion, Various Instruments
(Sebastien Siozade) - Guitars
3. Lesser Being
(Jon Du Bose) - Bass Guitars, Guitars
(Jeff Eacho) - Flute, Violin, Mellotron, Various Instruments
(Trey McLamb) - Drums
4. Fortune Teller
(Jon Du Bose) - Bass Guitars, Guitars
(Jeff Eacho) - Flute, Violin, Various Instruments
(Magnvs Mendez) - Drums
(Santiago Fradejas) - Guitars
Album art by (Manuel Denna)