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Monster Trucks are big
Monster Trucks are loud
Monster Trucks jump high in the sky and they make such a monstrous sound
Monster Trucks are big
Monster Trucks are loud
Monster Trucks jump high in the sky and they make such a monstrous sound
Ohh monster trucks in the air
Ohh monster trucks everywhere
Ohh They love to pop for a visit down at Gecko’s Garage
When they need air for their tyres!
Monster trucks like our friend Max
Love to roll around the mud
Sometimes they even want a new look!
They go from orange to blue! Look at that!
Here comes little Baby truck
She likes to spin around
When she needs a change of tyres
The mechanicals will help Baby out
Ohh monster trucks in the air
Ohh monster trucks everywhere!
Ohh They love to pop for a visit down at Gecko’s Garage
When they need air for their tyres!
Monster trucks in the air
Ohh monster trucks everywhere!
Ohh They love to pop for a visit down at Gecko’s Garage
When they need air for their tyres!
0:00 Monster Truck Song
2:10 Gecko to the Rescue
4:10 Transportation Song
6:12 Baby Truck Song
8:26 The Excavator Song
Gecko's Garage is a big truck cartoon series for children all about fixing trucks and vehicles, including monster trucks, buses, ambulances, construction trucks and lorries.
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