Do you have PHONE ANXIETY? #anxiety #phobia #mentalhealth #funnyclips

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Dr Kirren
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Does anxiety cause you to avoid answering calls, making calls or both?
✨The sound of a phone ringing can be triggering, it can spark memories of being given bad news in the past or having received threatening calls. ✨ Phone calls can also feel intrusive due to the unpredictability they can bring, especially when you don’t recognise the number.

✨Phone calls might also bring up feelings of being unprepared or even having your boundaries violated. ✨All of these things can lead to phone avoidance, which can feel like a good way to regain safety and control.
Many anxiety problems involve avoidance. A well-planned, step-by-step approach can help you confront your fears, and overcome this avoidance. If you'd like to learn more, my book Ten Times Calmer offers detailed guidance on this. 📚
Information for educational purposes only. Not everyone who avoids phone calls is experiencing anxiety, phone avoidance can also be a symptom of social anxiety or simply a personal preference.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  Do you have PHONE ANXIETY? #anxiety #phobia #mentalhealth #funnyclips - RusLar.Me