Онлайн веб-камера установлена на Адмиралтейской набережной напротив Дворцового моста в Санкт-Петербурге. Камера в режиме реального времени транслирует вид на Неву, Петропавловскую крепость на Заячем острове, Кунсткамеру, здание Российской академии наук (в левой части трансляции) и Дворцовый мост, Государственный Эрмитаж Зимний дворец (в правой части онлайн трансляции). Большую часть кадра занимает панорама акватории реки Нева.
При информационной поддержке
The torches of the Rostral Columns burned, fireworks painted the sky over St. Petersburg. On Wednesday, January 18, the city celebrated the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad - one of the most tragic and important events of the Great Patriotic War. On this day, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts of the Red Army, after almost a week of artillery preparation, were able to make a hole in the dense ring of fascist troops that surrounded the city and held it for 497 days. Thanks to the breakthrough, a land corridor was formed that connected Leningrad with the rest of the country, and the city finally began to receive food in the same volumes as other cities of the USSR. This day was very important, despite the fact that there was still almost a year left before the complete lifting of the blockade, it gave hope.
This live webcam shows you panoramic views of the beautiful city of Saint Petersburg, in Russia, including Vasilyevsky Island.
On the banks of the Neva River, you can see several important historical buildings and landmarks, such as the Rostral Column, Palace Bridge (Dvortsoviy Most), the golden dome of Peter and Paul's Cathedral, the Palace Embankment, the Winter Palace.
Actual date in top right corner of live camera.
Primary language in chat Russian. #leningrad #russia #fireworks