Emotion scientist Alan Cowen describes "nostalgia" as similar to visiting your childhood home in your own brain. It is an emotion with parallels to aesthetic appreciation, entrancement, or awe, but in the broader map of human emotion, Cowen asserts that nostalgia lies upon "an island of its own."
Join our recurring hosts Dr. Alan Cowen, Dr. Dacher Keltner, and Matt Forte as they welcome special guest, Emmy-nominated storyteller, filmmaker, and futurist Jason Silva, creator of “Shots of Awe” on Youtube.
Being together is, well...complicated. This holiday season, tuck into this very special episode of The Feelings lab where we discuss the warm, minty emotions of the holiday season. The holidays stretch our sense of time, evoke the deep sacred of now, fill us with nostalgia, joy, and wonder, and, if we're lucky, make us cry. Learn how the seasoned rhythm of the holiday season sits upon our seasonal biology like a sack full of Christmas surprises.
The Feelings Lab is a new podcast series from Hume AI. Grab a friend and set out on a journey with our expert hosts and celebrity guests as we explore the new frontier of emotion science and its lessons for creating a more empathic future.
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If you have any questions you’d like answered in an upcoming episode, feel free to send them to thefeelingslab@hume.ai.
About Hume AI: Hume AI is an AI research lab and technology company. Our mission is to ensure that future technology is built to serve our emotions, ensuring that as AI gets smarter it remains aligned with our goals.
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