Mikele Buck was the first artist I ever recorded around 5 years ago. He introduced me to many great song writers and quickly became one of my good fishing and hunting confidants/ buddies. After his time oversees mikele prefers only to bow hunt and would rather not use a gun on any living creature, which is understandable. This is one of my favorite songs he has written that I have listened to for quite some time, we finally got to get together with Mikele and my buddy David from @TruthfulSessions do a proper recording of this one.
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Beginning Iraq Video Clip Credits:
BIAP Ambush Route Irish Ambush ERSM Ambush Iraq Ambush 2005 ()
Baghdad "Route Irish" (Airport Road) 353 CACOM 2004-05 ()
Route Irish Double VBIED attack Baghdad ()
Regular SNAFU ride on Route Irish, Baghdad, Iraq (Nov 2005) ()
Baghdad, Iraq, Route Irish traffic on a busy day with Bradleys taking chances ()