Not only does it play during some touching scenes throughout the seasons, but it is the OST for the climax in the second to last episode of the third season.
The nostalgia that it evokes is quite surreal, and makes it one of my favorite OSTs in anime.
Even now, the OST has begun to hit different. The way it evokes old memories and feelings is just different and reminds me of so many things that has happened in my past.
At the time of recording (December 2021) I was also working on a full-length arrangement of the OP version, and while it’s since been finished, it’s just kinda eh which is why I still haven’t learned it or recorded it. My b team.
For this recording though, I ended up messing a lot with how I used the soft pedal. Basically, I started with it fully depressed, and slowly lifted it for each section until the theme. It actually created a bit of an interesting texture, and I think it’ll be interesting to mess with it more in the future.
Shorter description this time, but I hope you enjoyed my performance of @zzzAnimeonPiano 's arrangement of Sannin no Iru Jikan!
So until next time,
- Watt
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