Plus, if you're curious about DIY controller mods, stick around to the end! I’m considering taking on a soldering project to build my own PS5 controller with Hall Effect sticks. If you want to see that happen, be sure to hit the like button and subscribe!
Use Code: RASHID for 5% off HexGaming
HexGaming Phantom Controller:
Vitrix Pro BFG Controller: (Amazon)
Vitrix Hall Effect Module:
I may receive compensation for using the links above, Thank you for supporting the channel!
0:00 | Intro
0:16 | Sony's "Solution"
0:49 | Why Hall Effects are the Real Solution
2:40 | Why Sony hasn't adopted Hall Effect
2:56 | GuiliKit - Hall Effect Mod
4:16 | How This affects Gamers in the long run
4:49 | Outro
#ps5 #StickDrift #DualSenseEdge #HallEffect #Gaming #HexGaming #Sony #scam