Hugin and Munin travel around the world collecting news and information for Odin.
One of the theories is that it relates to shamanic practices, and Odin's ability to make his thought (Huginn) and mind (Muninn) travel in a trance.
It is known that the raven has a symbiotic relationship with the wolf, many times the ravens help to locate the prey so that the wolves hunt and then the ravens can also eat. The appearance of Odin together with his wolves (Geri and Freki) and his ravens, may indicate the close relationship that they probably had at the time with these animals and nature .
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Composed and produced by Damián Schneider and Aethelwyne
Music usage info: You can use our music freely for Non Commercial and Non Profit videos, games, etc. as long as you us visible credit as the composer and add a link to my Youtube channel. For commercial purposes: Please direct any business related offer to: inxound@gmail.com
#viking #darkfolk #munknörr