In the thrilling third season of Ultimate Cowboy Showdown, a fresh group of talented cowboys and cowgirls from across the United States gather on a sprawling cattle ranch to battle for the ultimate prize: a herd of cattle and the prestigious title of champion.
Under the watchful eye of country music legend Trace Adkins, contestants are pushed to their limits through grueling challenges that test their roping, riding, and cattle-handling expertise.
With each episode, the competition intensifies as eliminations are based on skill, teamwork, and sheer determination. Only one will rise above the rest to claim the title of the ultimate cowboy.
00:00:00 - Episode 1
00:42:57 - Episode 2
01:24:17 - Episode 3
02:05:42 - Episode 4
02:47:39 - Episode 5
03:29:36 - Episode 6
04:11:19 - Episode 7
04:52:29 - Episode 8
05:33:51 - Episode 9
06:15:24 - Episode 10
06:56:16 - Episode 11
Director : India Dupré, Leander Rappman
Cast : Buck Faust, Brianna Markum-McClain, Coy Melancon