MUTA presents this special collection of organic downtempo tracks featuring his voice and guitar held delicately by his masterful production. This music is an offering of love with the intention to unite us with each other and our beautiful planet. "ASHTAR" is a reminder of the illusion of division to help us drop our mental fragmentation and allow a deep sense of connection to arise in its place. You are invited to open yourself to the music, to open your heart, and to reconnect with your true essence which is LOVE.
"Que Con Amor Todo Se Cura" is an adaptation of a medicine song written by Felipe Kilakeo. After having heard this song for his first time while in a cacao ceremony in México, he was deeply inspired to adapt it into this downtempo dance gem. The original is accented by a deep hypnotic remix from PERE.
"NOMAE" is a co-creation with friend Carolina Niño who birthed the initial stages of the song that MUTA then embraced and built upon to land this beautiful vocal duet between MUTA and his sister Michelle Billiet. The melody which is the foundation for the manifestation of this track reminds us of the importance to allow ourselves to be completely wrapped up in the simplicity of art. Zentrip Muzik takes this beautiful blanket of sound and brings his incredibly inspired violin and subtle production into a beautiful remix.
From MUTA:
"I am grateful to Felipe Kilakeo and Carolina Niño for inspiring me to materialize and creating these two tracks.. I enjoyed very much the process of producing them and it is a great satisfaction for my heart to share them with the world." MUTA
Zentrip Müzik
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Resueño is the union between two Spanish words:
Resueno = I resonate
Sueño = Dream
We are here to unite. The intention of Resueño is to bring artists together to create something which alone would not be possible. Together we can take the listener on a deep journey to find balance and peace within. We are here to blur the boundary between the dance floor and the chill out sound journey space. To find a middle path where all is in balance and the cosmic harmony flows through. Lyrics:
Con mi linda y mi puna, sonrío al altiplano
Con mi linda y mi puna, sonrío más abajo
Con mi linda y mi puna, sonrío a lo más alto
Con mi linda y mi puna, sonrío más abajo
Que con amor todo se cura
Que con amor todo se cura, ay la ra la.
Que con amor todo se cura te salen plumas en la espalda
Que con amor te salen alas en el corazón…
Tenemos nuestras diferencias..
Nos hace únicos como seres vivos
Pero hay algo que nos une
Un sentimiento que nos define, nos nutre y alimenta por igual
Nuestro anhelo más profundo es amar y ser amados
Somos distintos
Pero unidos compartimos
Un solo Mundo.