The second Amazing Electro Freestyle Mix with Volt music and break dance as a background is here! :)
MIX 1 -
MIX 2 -
MIX 3 -
MIX 4 -
MIX 5 -
MIX 6 -
Artist: VOLT
00:00 - 03:02 - 1000 amper
03:02 - 05:48 - Dance. It's cool.
05:48 - 09:03 - Время X
09:03 - 12:11 - Neon
12:11 - 15:11 - Machine rhythm
15:11 - 17:34 - Explosion
17:34 - 20:34 - Hyperspace
20:34 - 23:27 - Get up
23:27 - 25:32 - Sport
25:32 - 27:42 - Night city
27:42 - 31:12 - Disco is back
31:12 - 34:21 - Rock beat
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#electro #freestyle #dance
Thanks for watching the video - The Best Electro Freestyle Mix 2 Volt (Amazing Break Dance)