Since the Paris Agreement is foundational for climate change policy, I thought it deserved a video exposing its inadequacies.
The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change adopted in 2015 at COP21. COP stands for Conference of the Parties and it’s the United Nations Climate Change Conference. At the end of this month, representatives of the world’s nation-states will gather in Glasgow, Scotland for COP26 summit (October 31st to November 12th 2021) to update their goals for addressing climate change. The Paris Agreement treaty will serve as the framework for COP26, for the goals countries set to reduce global warming, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to the harmful effects of climate change.
Below are sources for the facts in this video.
If you want to take action against climate change you can find recommendations here
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Time stamps refer to when the fact is mentioned.
Numbers refer to the sources listed below the time stamps.
1:40 1
1:48 2
2:02 3, 4
2:28 1, 2
2:57 1, 2, 3
3:03 5
3:45 6a, 7
4:05 8 (a bit dated but I like the graphs; sources 6 and 7 are more recent)
4:47 3, 9
5:20 9
5:53 10
6:14 6a
6:35 7, 11
7:33 12 (3.7 high end estimate), 13 (3.8 high end), 7 (3.9 high end), median estimates are lower
8:06 3, 9
9:23 14
9:39 4, 15, 16
12:04, 12:14 5
12:22 17
12:31 6b
1. Natural Resources Defense Council
2. United Nations COP21
4. reported in
5. Executive Summary page 5
6. Executive Summary
6a. page 11
6b. p.4 for 2019 emissions, p.9 for 2030 estimates
7. Graph p.1
10. A Systems Critique of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate
11. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
12. Page 6
16. UN University
17. Page 27
Background: Business photo by katemangostar - freepik.com
UN photo: Matt Kowalczyk (flikr)
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