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Taken from the upcoming release from FROZEN DAWN titled 'The Decline of the Enlightened Gods’ out on Transcending Obscurity Records.
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For a decade and a half, Frozen Dawn have been perfecting their sound which can be described as stirring, intense and scathing black metal tempered with melody and soaring leads. The members have used their experience in notable bands to create something that not only pays earnest tribute to the classic bands such as Dissection, Necrophobic, Sacramentum and Naglfar but also sounds contemporary in terms of structure and execution. They've bolstered the sound with death metal influences and even added slight thrash touches, ensuring that the music remains powerful, incisive and compelling. The momentum remains unabated as the band pummels its way through nine elaborate tracks and a fitting cover of Necrophobic. Many bands have attempted to recreate this sound with varying degrees of success but clearly Frozen Dawn have excelled at it which is mainly due to their knack for meticulous songwriting that straddles heaviness with emotion, allowing them to enhance the expression and maintain the much-needed diversity for the style. This album is easily Frozen Dawn's best one yet and is head and shoulders above the rest of them where this kind of music goes in recent memory.
For fans of - Dissection, Necrophobic, Thulcandra, Naglfar, Unanimated, Sacramentum, Imperialist, Vorga
Line up -
Dani Grinder (ex-Haemorrhage) - Vocals, Rhythm & Lead Guitars
Antonio Mansilla (ex-Hordak) - Bass, Lead & Classical Guitars
Arjan van der Wijst (ex-Avulsed) - Drums
Mastered by Dan Swano at Unisound Studios
Artwork by Mariusz Lewandowski